July 26, 2024
Demo UserupdatedFeaturefgfgfg;lk
July 23, 2024
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
July 8, 2024
Demo UserupdatedTarget ReleasetoJuly 7, 2024
June 26, 2024
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
May 29, 2024
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
Need feedback
March 26, 2024
Demo Usercreated this feature atMarch 26, 2024
November 8, 2023
Demo UserupdatedDescriptionManage table structure via Git process. Create dev, staging and production environments. Deploy changes to table and code using standard Github PR process.
August 9, 2023
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
June 9, 2023
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
In Progress
June 1, 2023
Demo UserupdatedTarget ReleasetoApril 13, 2023
May 9, 2023
Demo UserupdatedStatusto
April 9, 2023
Harini JanakiramanupdatedStatusto
In Progress
Harini JanakiramanupdatedDescriptionManage table structure via Git Manage table structure via Git process. Create dev, staging and production environments. Deploy changes to table and code using standard Github PR process.
Harini JanakiramanupdatedFeatureGithub ConnectionGithub Integration